Ra.One (2011)
I want my money back ,hype created ,critics r being paid to give good reviews
26 October 2011
Warning: Spoilers
the Ra-one its bad movie ,Was there at the premiere and was cursing myself for being there. The stars came 1 and 1/2 hour late and the restless crowd was not well managed. As for the movie, the less said the better. Only saving grace are the visual effects and Kareena. The story is so lame and the flow is worse. Has a lot of unanswered questions and flaws in the story telling. I walked out of the cinema after the interval so cannot say for the rest of it. First 45minutes was all I could withstand. The best part was the trailer for Don 2, Farhan Akhtar will do justice to SRKs talent so all the best. For this Ra.One, I am sure SRK would have recovered his cost prior to the release. Don''t expect any viewer awards though.
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