Very strange but well worth seeing.
30 October 2011
This is from a collection of art films entitled "Unseen Cinema: Early American Avant-Garde Film 1894-1941". Unlike most of the other films in this set, this one is from a major studio--MGM. Somehow Oskar Fischinger was able to convince the MGM folks to sponsor this art film that consists of hundreds of paper cut-outs that are hung from invisible wires and which are shot, one frame at a time---all in synchronization with music from Franz Liszt. It's all in color and it's amazing that such a non-commercial sort of project was funded by this or any studio.

While it's not at all fun, it is an amazing film to watch. Not only is it wonderfully synchronized, but works so very well. It's all very hypnotic and amazing--even when you see it today. It must have taken forever practically to make this--and perhaps this is why this is Fischinger's only film. Strange but well worth seeing.
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