Skullduggery on Seagull Island!
31 October 2011
Warning: Spoilers
Most of the I.M.D.B. reviews of this film appear to be of the 'Mystery Science Theatre 3000' comedy version, rather than the original. With all due respect, I fail to see how anyone can objectively comment on a film when all they have seen is a send-up. It would be like someone who's never viewed 'The Elephant Man' ( 1980 ) looking at a photograph of John Hurt as he is in real life and trying to guess what he looks like as 'John Merrick'!

'The Deadly Bees' ( 1967 ) is one of Amicus' lesser offerings. Based on the novel 'Taste Of Honey' by H.F. Heard ( a title they could not have used then as Rita Tushingham would have had something to say about it! ), it was written by Robert Bloch ( author of 'Psycho' ) and Anthony Marriott ( who wrote for 'The Avengers' amongst other things ), and directed by Freddie Francis. Susanna Leigh is 'Vicki Robbins', a pop singer who collapses in the midst of a 'Ready Steady Go' type show ( which curiously lacks a live audience ). Suffering from nervous exhaustion, she is ordered to take time off from her hectic schedule. She goes to Seagull Island, where it seems only five people live ( including Michael Ripper as a pub landlord ). She moves in with the Hargroves ( Guy Doleman and Catherine Finn ). Hubby Ralph is a creepy type who keeps bees, and strangely makes no attempt to have his way with Vicki. She decides to investigate his furtive behaviour ( such as using a syringe to extract blood from a horse ), and suspects he may have perfected a way of controlling swarms of bees so that they can attack people. Another beekeeper, 'Manfred' ( Frank Finlay ) befriends her. Several bee attacks take place, and Vicki herself becomes a victim...

Leigh is a lovely lady ( who put me in mind of Wendy Craig ) who appeared in several '60's films, including Tony Curtis' 'Boeing, Boeing' and 'Deadlier Than The Male' ( both 1966 ). She's no great shakes as an actress, and the part does not require her to do more than clean her teeth and look scared. The then-unknown Elkie Brooks dubbed her singing voice. Doleman is best remembered as the dour 'Colonel Ross' from 'The Ipcress File' ( 1965 ) and its sequels, while Finlay later headlined notorious '70's dramas 'Casanova' and 'Bouquet Of Barbed Wire'. Tim Barrett appears briefly as a pompous Whitehall official who has received threats from the mysterious bee master.

The mystery at the heart of this story is not terribly difficult to solve. The island is too under populated for that. The bee attacks - though crudely done - are nevertheless effective. Had Amicus ever made a 'Journey To The Unknown'-type anthology series ( as Hammer did ), this would have been perfect for inclusion.

Things To Look Out For - a cameo from chart-topping group 'The Byrds'!

Another reviewer said this made 'The Swarm' look good. I disagree. Nothing in this film compares to the sheer stupidity of Richard Chamberlain and Jose Ferrer flapping their arms in slow motion as the bees invade a nuclear power station. And here the bees look real ( though a little over-sized in some shots ) unlike the Styrofoam pellets thrown at the camera lens in Irwin Allen's notorious 1976 stinker!
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