I was part of the staged photography as a child
3 November 2011
To add to background info on the film - It is true that many images were staged, but I know that he did years of interviews with camera shy hobos and vagrants. I was a 6 or 7 year old girl (1967?) when he used me as part of a still shot of a dirty and ragged hobo family in a field. I think it was photographed in Echo Park, Los Angeles. Titus was careful to omitted the signs of city in the background. I also remember my mother telling me that he won a prestigious award for The Last American Hobo. He was, at that time, producing porn films and erotic still photography, and his name used was Titus Moody. I was sorry to hear of his passing. He was a soft spoken man that was passionate about photography. My interest today is that I wanted to see the film again, and possibly use it as part of my class project for American History. Does anyone know where it is?
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