Trite in the worst way
27 December 2011
I can't help but think back to the Billy Connoly movie "The Man Who Sued God" based on title alone. But then I realize that his movie was funny and engaging. This is not. There's something innate about taking any form of media and making it "Christian" that seems to automatically make it unpalatable to everyone else. Sure, Christians love it, but everyone else just sort of laughs or rolls their eyes...often with good reason. Look no further than Christian rock for examples of this.

But I'm not faulting the movie for that reason. Well, not entirely anyway. The acting is beyond bad and there's nothing worse than having a message crammed down your throat. That is to say I have no problem with movies that contain a message, but make the message subtle...otherwise you just end up with propaganda. Yes yes, I understand the point is to confirm what is already confirmation bias, but do you have to be so blatant about it?

I honestly think this movie fails in 3 ways. First of all, it fails as a source of entertainment that is accessible to a wide variety of people, thereby seriously limiting it's appeal. Second of all it fails as a film promoting a Christian message because all it's doing is pandering to people who already believe, not trying to answer any questions non-believers may have. Third and finally, it just plain fails as a movie. Complain all you want about how everyone giving a bad review is an atheist or "Christian-hater" (whatever the hell that is), but it doesn't change the fact that the movie had a bad script, ridiculous plot, and seriously sub par acting. You do realize that at some point the filmmakers have to take some responsibility for making a bad movie, right?
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