Review of 2:37

2:37 (2006)
unexpected suicide
28 December 2011
Sometimes all of us may think that we have many problems in our life and we may think we are the most unlucky human in the world. After i watched this film my opinion has changed. At the end of the film, indicating the reality of the film is really impressed me. That is why my opinion has changed.

At the beginning of the film, they let you know there is a suicide and then the film tells you about the six teenagers and their psychological problems and you want to learn who is the suicided. It makes this film more enjoyable and it makes sensation.

There is a girl who helps everyone. She is the most lively person. You may think she is the person who has the least psychological problems but unexpectedly she commit suicide. I think she commit suicide because of being ignored and unnoticed. That is really unguessable ending.
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