Fun low-budget horror
28 December 2011
Syfy's "Headless Horseman" (2007) is not based on Washington Irving's tale of "Sleepy Hollow," but why should it be since the headless horseman has been a motif of European folklore since at least the Middle ages? Irving simply borrowed the monster for his tale.

The film was shot in Romania but the story takes place in Missouri. A group of youths take a shortcut to a distant party and end-up in the cursed hamlet of Wormwood, where they encounter the diabolical headless horseman who wants their heads. Because the town is cursed and has a pit-gateway to hell the inhabitants are wont to help the horseman get his heads, except for one person.

The film only plays it semi-straight with a strong air of self-parody or camp, which means it's impossible to take seriously and you won't find the various horror antics chilling in any way, shape or form, unless maybe you're under-aged. But this doesn't mean it's not entertaining.

"Headless Horseman" takes elements from flicks like "House of Wax," "Ogre," "Sleepy Hollow" and "Wrong Turn" and does a decent job despite its TV budget. If you're a fan of those types of films you'll likely appreciate "Headless Horseman." I prefer it to the latter two.

The film excels in its sense of horrific fun. Beyond that it has a quality cast of no-names and a good 'lost town' set. The no-name cast features not one, not two, not three, but four good-looking young women, including Elizabeth Prestel as Candy and Arianne Fraser as Tiffany. No nudity or sex, but it's not needed, and Candy has a couple of really cute outfits. Excellent job on this front.

As far as the special effects go, mostly CGI, I was impressed during the first half but they got pretty bad by the final act. This was a case where less would've been more, but I guess the filmmakers felt they HAD to have an effects-laden finale. Too bad, because it really detracted from the film.

Still, "Headless Horseman" is a quality low-budget horror flick that mostly gives the viewer the entertainment expected and desired. It's not serious horror in the sense of taking seriously or provoking real chills, not at all, but it's pretty darn entertaining.

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