I never realized what a good actor Vin Diesel was
9 January 2012
Line - Witty Retort; Action - Witty Retort; Tough question - tougher answer with wit; Whoops, good acting by Samuel L Jackson for a second; Ice Cube - Close up, tough guy stare and one-liner; explosion, guns, stunts, boats, "grand theft choppers", girls, surprising villain (not too surprising); anti-hero makes tough guys seem like pansy boys - witty retort

I got a copy of the script and just wanted to share a little bit with y'all. This movie's got all of the above, and gadgets! I'm trying to think of a situation where this would be worth watching ... and all I can come up with is if you're the curious type who's going to watch it anyways. One thing I will say, at around 39 minutes in, pop-violinists in a major motion picture never looked so good!

Rating: 12/40 (just because it delivers on the very few promises it makes)
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