A quick breakdown
10 January 2012
If you're reading these reviews trying to determine whether or not to watch this movie, I'll do my best to break down - quickly - why this movie is considered a classic and why it is worth watching.

The Seven Year Itch is a throwback comedy that was very incendiary during it's day. I'm writing this review a few months after 'The Hangover Part 2' came out, so by today's standards there is hardly anything controversial at all. This is part of the beauty of these older movies though, they are subtle in their shock-and-awe.

There was a board in Hollywood that did nothing else except for censor movies, and so getting a movie like 'The Seven Year Itch' out was a real coup. There is an amazing short documentary on the DVD about this process, and they mention there was actually a priest on set watching and critiquing on the entire production! What a weird history America has ...

Anyways, so the story moves along at a quick pace, the humor is subtle and brilliant, Marilyn Monroe proves she can act, Tom Ewell is perfect in his comedic timing, and it moves a lot faster than it's just under 2 hour run time. This is one of those intro-to-classic-film movies that you need to see if you're interested in giving older movies a chance.

Rating: 34/40
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