The director of this movie started his career with 'The Sword and the Sorceror'
14 January 2012
Just wanted to point that out. Albert Pyun is no Orson Welles, but by the time he made 'The Wrecking Crew' he had already made 28 full length films. 28 ... this was not the work of a High School student who had some friends that got together and made a movie about some crazy stuff about guns and drugs and hip-hop. This would be impressive actually if it had been made by a High School student, both in the fact that Ice-T and Snoop Dogg were available and that a 16 year old was able to get the budget together to finish the project.

Albert Pyun was 47 when this came out, however, and had been working in Hollywood for 28 years. This is inexcusable.

Why is it bad? Art is subjective, right? One person's trash is another's treasure, right? I completely agree with that sentiment, but I don't know my belief in art has ever been stretched to this point.

Rating: 2/40
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