Review of Funny Face

Funny Face (1957)
What Makes This a Classic?
15 January 2012
I watched this film for the first time earlier today and enjoyed it. Audrey Hepburn is charming even if she wasn't born to play in musicals, Fred Astaire is a little bit older, slightly tuned down version of his younger self, and Kay Thompson is very commanding in her "Cruella Deville" of fashion role. Something struck me as I was watching this, however: does age add value to a motion picture?

I can't imagine this being seen as an instant classic when it came out. The dance numbers were above average, but nothing spectacular, the star power was there but either outdated or out of place, and the visuals were absolutely stunning but a film needs more than that to last. With time, though, and the legacy Astaire and Hepburn have left behind, there is definitely some interest in seeing the one film they headlined together.

That interest does not necessarily a good movie make, however, and I feel obliged to call it what it is: An above average movie from Stanley Donen (who was able to do much more with less in his career) with the star power to make it last longer than it would otherwise.

Rating: 24/40
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