Quality early 'Carry On' film
20 January 2012
Warning: Spoilers
This second film in the series finds the Carry On team on the men's ward of Haven Hospital but unlike the first film, 'Carry on Sergeant', there is no plot to speak of, just a series of amusing events involving the patients and the nurses looking after them. The patients are a varied bunch and include a nuclear physicist, a boxer with a broken hand, a man with a broken leg and another with a bunion. During the film they have amusing interactions with each other and the nurses, however it isn't until close to the end that they all interact in the most amusing scene in the film… after a couple of bottles of late night champagne the physicist claims that he is quite capable of operating on the man's bunion but after a slight accident with the nitrous oxide none of them are capable of doing anything! It isn't just the patients who are providing laughs, accident prone Student Nurse Stella Dawson provides plenty too; most notably when she gets her revenge on an awkward patient in a way that I'm surprised the 1959 censors allowed!

This film was fun to watch although it didn't contain as many laugh out loud moments as some films in the series it did make me chuckle a few times. The cast did a decent job; the regulars are clearly already comfortable in their roles. One or two of the jokes are a bit 'naughty' but are never as crude as those to be found in the later instalments of the series meaning it is probably okay for younger viewers to watch although some parents might disagree. Watching this it is clear that health care has changed a lot in the last fifty years; no longer does Matron rule the ward with a rod of iron and patients certainly don't smoke in the hospital… these days they stand outside the front door to do it!
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