To the rescue of Scotland Yard
20 January 2012
Bulldog Drummond In Africa finds John Howard once again postponing his plans to marry Heather Angel whose been left at the altar more times than Adelaide in Guys And Dolls. It's her fault really at this point because she's the one that has discovered that Drummond's good friend from Scotland Yard H.B. Warner has been kidnapped and spirited to Morocco.

Angel stows away on Howard's plane along with his two friends Reginald Denny and E.E. Clive. Warner has been kidnapped by international spy and man of mystery J. Carrol Naish and wants Warner to give him the secret of something called a disintegrater ray. Sounds like lasers way before they were perfected.

Of course Howard affects a rescue lest Warner's character Colonel Nielsen not be around for the next film. As usual Reginald Denny provides the bumbling comic relief. I swear Drummond keeps Algy around strictly for laughs the way the Cisco Kid used to have Pancho along. The guy who is really useful is E.E. Clive who's like a Boy Scout in that he's always prepared.

Anthony Quinn has a small part as one of Naish's henchmen and I noticed in the credits that Anne Bauchens did the editing. Annie B was a most trusted employee of the Cecil B. DeMille group, in fact C.B. had it in his contract that only she was allowed to edit his films. I'm wondering if she was there to take care of Quinn in the rushes because Quinn at the time was DeMille's son-in-law.

Bulldog Drummond In Africa is a pleasant enough B film from the Paramount lot.
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