1 February 2012
Warning: Spoilers
I must agree with the reviewer who said that this one's ABOVE criticism: you either sit through it or you don't. I did, and I found myself feeling the kind of affection for it that one feels for that Special Child who tries really, really hard but who just doesn't have what it takes to make it to The Special Olympics. When one "gets the finger" in this movie, it means you've been zapped with a finger that fires laser beams; when you have your legs thus removed (by the man who's cheating on his wife with YOUR wife), you end up living in a cave with metal chicken legs and breathing fire (and living with a fanged roommate with lobster claws for hands); when you run into The Red Python and drink his blood (shades of THE BRAVE ARCHER), you acquire super and magical powers and "The Red Dragon Soul"; when you decide you want to marry the comely Miss Mu, it turns out she's your sister; when you find yourself thrown into a bottomless pit, you find yourself face to face with- that's right- a Kong Fu gorilla! It's at this point that THE BATTLE WIZARD proves its worth, that it finally lives up to its promise. If you don't mind some cheese with your corn, if guys in bulky gorilla suits and rubber snakes are your cup of tea, THE BATTLE WIZARD's right up your alley.
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