Review of Bridesmaids

Bridesmaids (I) (2011)
Good humor and also some heart
3 February 2012
The Hangover with women instead? The answer is both yes and no. I seem to be one of few who were kind of cool towards the Hangover, sure it was good entertainment but nothing special and there are much better recent comedies out there. Or maybe it is because comedy is no longer any of my favourite movie types.

But now for the somewhat surprise after this gray introduction: I really liked Bridesmaids. It was great fun all the way through and to my positive surprise it isn't just a bunch of jokes strung together by a simple plot that serves no other purpose. Bridesmaids also has a story that feels worth following. I would categorise Bridesmaids as a drama comedy. That is I think one of the main reasons I liked it. There are both parts of laughter and wanting to see what happens next. OK so the story is good but it's not great. At the time of writing this review the movie has been nominated for best original screenplay. According to me it is not that good but I don't know all the competition. At the start I stated that it still is somewhat like The Hangover and that would be the funny parts. The humor feel the same kind with awkward situations and serious acting in pretty absurd happenings. Works mostly great. And so the acting? It is most of the time good. It is the kind of forced dialogue and over the top behavior. But I don't mean it in a bad way it is how it should be for this kind of comedy. Kristen Wiig fits well in the lead and manages well to create the character the viewers care for even if you don't entirely sympathize with. Rose Byrne is just as good as the rival. But the performance that stands out enough to take the spotlight ever time she appears on screen is Melissa McCarthy. The audience laughed at every thing she said, well almost. Her character and her acting was perfectly humorous. Still does she deserve a best supporting actress nomination? I'm not sure but it is true that funny movies seldom get the attention of the big ceremonies like the academy awards so maybe it just feels strange. I don't think I have that much more to say about Bridesmaids.

It is a very good comedy, not great but it might be the funniest I saw the previous year. The fun stuff is great and it still doesn't get stuck and start going on routine. Thankfully the movie also has some emotional substance coming from a well written story. Bridesmaids is a movie that absolutely deserves to be seen and then one will want to see it again. My grade 7/10.
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