Comic Book Men (2012–2018)
A Promising New Series
13 February 2012
Warning: Spoilers
It's really too early to tell if this show will be good or not, but I'll make a guess anyway. As a comic book enthusiast, I enjoyed seeing Blade's first appearance comic book and an old Marvelmania Thor poster by Jack Kirby brought into the store to pawned-er-I mean sold. As with Pawn Stars, there will be questions as to whether or not the 'sellers' are real people or hired actors given props to sell to the store. The show also seems to favor a round table like discussion (which is apparently Smith's pod cast) on the events happening in the store rather than doing those aside confessions synonymous with reality television. This format favors discussion and 'nerd' talk rather than backstabbing gossip. The two characters who seem to come at odds the most (Bryan and Ming) are always talking to each other, never behind the others back.

Which brings me to the crux of the show. Even if it is faked, the most important aspect will be these people who work (or in Bryan's case don't work) at the shop. Walt and Mike come across as the businessmen. Smith states that the success of the store is thanks to Walt and his assistant manager Mike. Ming apparently works on the stores website, but is something of a gofer for purposes of the show, I'm sure. Bryan is an older, heavy set, long gray bearded man (similar to Alan Moore's beard) who is supposed to be the shows Kramer, Chumlee, or Mikey. The funny guy who doesn't seem to do any work. While I found him amusing, it's still yet to be seen how the audience will respond to him.

I enjoyed the pilot and will continue to watch the series. As we see more episodes, we'll be able to find out how much is faked or not faked which may change my opinion. My hope is that they'll focus on that comic book shop talk that I've come to enjoy so much over the years and not the 'drama' of the more popular reality shows.
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