One Of The Best
13 February 2012
Other reviews have more than adequately covered the excellence in this film. There are only a couple of observations to be made that will, hopefully, distinguish this review from being simply a rehash. I don't hold with the blithe accusation of the Mac character as being a 'racist'. After all, his son was killed by a black person so of course he's going to have strong feelings about that especially give the very strong memories that he carried for Toby years after his death. Whatever feelings there might be re "race", they played a far distant second fiddle to this. The second item of note is that the movie was shot on a Red camera! This digital beauty shows how far things have come in the digital age: it isn't obvious that this is a digitally based production. Finally, special nod needs to be given to the, yup, special features. The "making of" is itself a mini drama and Memphis is to be heartily congratulated for its unusual support, dedication and just plain unselfish giving.
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