Trying to find something good...
19 February 2012
Well, I liked it when the aliens "cancelled" George Noory's show...

NOt much else.

This film was okay in the Special effects department, given a budget of less than six figures.

Of course, there were a few interesting bits, like the women who were turned into "Hens" producing food. But mostly, the movie was incoherent nonsense, with scenes in the prison taking up way too much of its running time. Especially scenes involving body functions.

But most of the ideas were tired and other people did them better. Symbiot worms that took people over? The Trill, the Hidden, the Puppet Masters. Aliens who succumb to a disease? That's original- when H.G Welles did it 100 years ago! So if you don't have original ideas, you should at least have interesting characters.

Characters were introduced and then vanish for no good reason, other than I suspect someone promised them they could be in this movie. Saddest of all was Virginia Hey (The ROad Warrior, Farscape) clearly too old to be doing these kinds of roles anymore.

Final insult- the cover art. Yup, if you compare the cover art for this turkey that Red Box used, you will notice a strange similarity to "Cowboys and Aliens" cover art. Well, I guess someone was fooled somewhere.
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