Review of Dear God No!

Dear God No! (2011)
10/10 for sheer entertainment
14 March 2012
Over the past few years, and largely thanks to Tarantino/Rodriguez, there has been a welcome revival in Grindhouse. Movies like Planet Terror, Death Proof and Machete have reminded us just how much fun it was to recoil in horror and laugh out loud all in the same scene. Movie trends vary. We are coming to the end of the reign of the zombie flick but during its tenure we were treated to such gems as Zack Snyder's 'Dawn of the Dead', The Ford Brothers 'The Dead' and, to a lesser degree, the hugely successful Ruben Fleischer 'Zombieland'. With the revival of Grindhouse we are, once again, trawling the net for the next talking point of modern cinema. Well, look no further folks. 'Dear God No!' is 21st century Grindhouse at its most shocking and its insanely fun. James Bickert has managed, on no-doubt a very limited budget, to create a movie that is 'The Devils Rejects meets Doctor Moreau' with an originality that is stunning in itself. It is a movie that will stay with me and that is the hallmark of a fine film maker. It was a film that I expected to hate but, as the final credits rolled, I was struggling to pick out a moment that didn't work perfectly. The movie is over the top so far that I'd expect to find mist on the DVD cover. The central cast push their characters to the the limits of debauchery and there are moments in the movie where I almost felt guilty enjoying but this mix of Grindhouse and Powerhouse simply wont let you rest. A huge achievement and I trust that this gem of a film will have CULT stamped all over it when it hits the shelves. See it once, talk about it many many times. Congratulations to all involved.
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