A creaky western comedy; great cast, poor writing.
31 March 2012
Saw "Many Rivers to Cross" when it came out originally, then just recently -- in a boxed set of westerns from "Costco". I was 13 when I first saw it--and didn't remember much about it. Now, I know why, there's nothing memorable about it. This was an effort to equal the popularity and success of "The Quiet Man", a "comedy" with a roughly parallel tone and marriage-spoof/conflict. It even brings back Victor McGlaughlin in an almost identical role as "Man". The bad mistake with "Rivers...Cross", is that just because a Western has a comedic tone, it doesn't mean it should insult the genre right down to the spokes and horse's hooves. Some respect should be shown,if only a minimum, regards sets, script continuity, costumes and the times when the film is supposed to occur. Plus, if the budget requires a mostly studio effort, then some vigor should be made in the studios scenes to make them appear roughly genuine. If this were a weak "B" second feature from a minor studio maybe the poor quality could be excused; however, the cast was first rate, and this was allegedly an "A" movie. So, as an "A" movie, it completely failed for me. Lastly, it wasn't funny at all.
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