Bigger, Stronger, Faster Doesn't Equal Amazing
12 April 2012
Wrath of the Titans was undoubtedly bigger, stronger, and faster than the first. Epic, over-the-top, and intense are some of the adjectives that come to mind when you think about the action and cinematography. You will be pleased visually with the Titans and epic battles. You will be tickled with a couple mythological surprises. You will leave like you left Clash of the Titans, wondering why you didn't feel completely satisfied.

When I left the movie I remember thinking, "Where is the passion?". The realistic and unrealistic battles will keep you entertained, but you won't be as happy with the writing and acting. There was a huge absence of emotion in just about every scene. But do gods and demi-gods need to display emotion? The answer is: Yes! Most certainly! When entertaining us, wee little humans, we need to see anger, remorse, and unimaginable determination on our actors and actresses faces.

One scene in particular that had lacked the emotion I was desperately seeking was in the labyrinth. Again very visually pleasing but another opportunity missed to show us character development and human struggle. It felt like I was rushed to see the action and pulled away from the story.

It may sound like I beat the living tar out of this movie, but the truth is I enjoyed it quite a bit. I knew what I was getting into and it served its purpose. However, that is no excuse for not trying to instill as much passion as possible into the actors.

***How many pillars does it take to kill a demi-god? Apparently a million!

Ike -Rehash Critics
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