Let me be the one to defend this film!
15 April 2012
Warning: Spoilers
Alright I won't go as far as defending this long forgotten 1982 slasher because every single point that is made towards this film to why it sucks is completely valid. Trick Or Treats is not a good film at all. It truly does make me laugh that this got a theater release at all but all in all it's actually a rather charming film. It's not so bad it's good but it really comes very close at some points. If it were any worse it could be a small cult classic in it's own right joining the pool of the best worst horror films of the last 50 years. But it never quite gets there. All in all the irony is the people behind the film were much too talented to get the film to that level of bad. Sure it's atrocious. Sure there is no plot anywhere and the film is littered with tedious filler but all in all technically it's passable. The acting isn't great but it's not bad, the directing is okay and the potential the film had is there. It just never comes together and with a proper script it could've. I personally have 2 big qualms with the film. 1.It was much too dark. Frustrating really. It would be nice if the filmmakers would've been kind enough to show us what's going on! It seemed the longer the film went on the darker it seemed to get. The only 2 bulbs must have been going out *eyes* . 2.The comedy. Clearly Trick Or Treats wanted to be a satire of the slasher genre. It just doesn't work in the slightest. Student Bodies it's not! Nothing about Trick Or Treats is clever or funny. You actually forget it's a satire at all most of the time and only when the film forces a scene of forced humor do you realize how much it failed in that department.

Now look Trick Or Treats is not a boring film like most people will make you believe. For all the filler the film has it must be complimented at moving at a nice pace. I can't even begin to understand how they managed that but they did. Maybe they fell into it? And if you're a slasher film buff it's worth the watch! Hey it's from 1982! And just the year alone is enough to make most genre fans hunt the title down. I enjoyed it. Bad film or not which it is.
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