Conspire for Nought **1/2
2 May 2012
Warning: Spoilers
C+ Warner Brothers Effort with Hedy Lamarr cast as the femme fatale, a mysterious woman with an aura about herself. She meets up with Paul Henried,in neutral Lisbon, during World War 11. Henried has fled from Holland where he has committed acts of sabotage.

The film lacked considerable excitement. You know something is funny when Lamarr was freed from Dachau and married her liberator, the usually evil Victor Francen.

The amazing thing about this film is that both Sydney Greenstreet and Peter Lorre are good guys. That's why they both, with Lorre in particular, are given little to do here.

Naturally, there is leak within the partisan group and Henried, framed for a murder that the Nazis committed, comes up with a plan to uncover the traitor.

The ending is pure Warner Brothers, so similar to that of "Casablanca," of 2 years before. In fact, the film is rather a weak imitation of the Oscar winner. Lamarr was no Ingrid Bergman.
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