Return at the death restaurant
6 May 2012
The Untold Story was a shocking and gory movie (plus, it had a memorable performance of Anthony Wong), it was successful enough to make producers invest in more CAT III films.

After 5 years since the original release of The Untold Story, Yiu-Kuen Ng directs this sequel in name only.

When i saw it for the first time, i was disappointed, since it didn't have much gore in comparison of the original (the only gore scene in this movie wouldn't go beyond the R-rating), when i watched it for the second time, i thought that it was a decent CAT III film. Like i said, the gore is toned down, but in The Untold Story II, the sexual content is boosted.

We get to see Anthony Wong, in this movie he plays a cop, i thought that his role was supposed to be nothing more than a glorified cameo, but he has many scenes, and his scenes are pretty fun to watch.

If you are looking for a gorefest, you will be pretty much disappointed, The Untold Story II was made when the trend of CAT III movies was declining, probably, because of the budget, the director didn't had a lot of ideas on how to shock the audience, but i found the movie to be entertaining.
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