Just another strippers and monsters flick...
15 May 2012
Actually the title here, "Strippers vs Werewolves", says it all. Do not venture here and watch this movie unless you got nothing else better to do. This movie was right up the alley along side similar movie titled "Zombie Strippers". Starting to think that anything with the word 'stripper' in it is not really all that great and worth sitting down to watch.

The story in "Strippers vs Werewolves" is about a group of strippers at Club Vixen who get tangled up with a band of werewolves when one of the dancers kills one of the werewolves. So it is basically a death match of beauty versus the beast, so to speak. The storyline was a bit stupid, but it wasn't slow paced or dull, so that was working for the movie at least.

The cast actually did good enough jobs with their given roles. However, I wonder how they managed to get Lysette Anthony (despite her being in a small cameo role) and Robert Englund to appear in this movie. Guess money does make the world go round.

Now, the werewolves in this movie were not that bad. Sure, they weren't traditional werewolves as we have come to know (and love) from movies and books. They looked more like some kind of hybrid version, and personally, I think it was a nice touch to see something out of the ordinary for a change.

But still, in overall, "Strippers vs Werewolves" wasn't particularly memorable. It was a no-brainer movie, something to watch on a lazy late weekend while nurturing a hang-over and would be drifting in and out of a sleepy haze. The movie didn't leave a lasting impression, and now having seen it once, I can honestly say it will be bagged, tagged and never brought out to be watched again.
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