Blood Rage (1987)
Florida Gore: Double The Pain
8 June 2012
Ever get tired of the same old run-of-the-mill, watered-down 80's slashers, like Friday The 13th and My Bloody Valentine? Perhaps you're in the mood for something a little more gritty. A little more obscure. And a helluva lot more gruesome. Nightmare At Shadow Woods will more than likely not disappoint. It took a while for me to locate this one, but this turned out to be one of those rare occasions where the search ended successfully, as we're looking at more than enough schlock and harsh killings to go around, and yes! The gore flows like... well, gore! Our latest Floridian adventure starts out at a Jacksonville Drive-In. There's these twins. Terry and Todd. They eventually wander away from mom and mom's boyfriend. I guess they're not too interested in the movie (The House That Cried Murder). Anyway, one of them randomly goes nuts on a couple teenagers. Going nuts isn't always the end of the world. But when said twin is holding an axe, it kinda is. For the now dead teenagers, as well as the twin who got sent away. And well, as for the twin who got to stick around, that's another story for another day. Of course, years later, killer-twin escapes, and of course all hell breaks loose. You may think things are gonna go one way. Then again, maybe you won't. Either way, you're in for some twists. It really is a shame how so many inferior slashers of the 80's gained so much notoriety (not to mention an obscene amount of sequels), while the more ferocious slashers, for the most part, are yet to be discovered. If you're lookin' for a good 80's Florida Gore double-feature, you may want to pair this one up with Nightmare In A Damaged Brain for a night of true quality Horror. Nightmare In A Damaged Brain is getting an official DVD release, this summer, and I definitely think the same treatment for Nightmare At Shadow Woods is long over due. My advice would be to get the VHS. Either way, Nightmare At Shadow Woods is a worthwhile hidden gem. And if you dig quality, you should have no issues. 7/10
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