Couldn't stay awake through it.
11 June 2012
I first 'met' this story watching the program Merry Go Round in school - it included a black and white serialised version which so enchanted me I immediately sought out the book to read.

I then watched the TV series in the 70s and loved that also.

I had high hopes of the new film - hopes which were dashed. It was so slow. The set up before Tom met Hattie seemed to last forever and Tom was so OLD. He was a little boy in the books - but in this film he is a lumbering teenager.

I agree with other reviewers that the lad playing Tom does not come across as believable.

I managed to stay awake for the first third of the film and then nodded off. When I woke up five minutes later I switched the film off. My husband looked at me and said, "Thank you - I couldn't have stood much more of that." The music is obtrusive and naff. The best actor in the film is the garden.
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