Review of Skew

Skew (2011)
Not Found Footage... But Very Good
16 June 2012
This is a low budget horror film. Plain and simple. But man, is it good. I never even heard of this film until I read some reviews about it on the net. Some good, some bad. So I was a bit hesitant to watch it but was pleasantly surprised. The thing that grabbed me was how smart it was. It didn't dumb things down for the audience and that's what I liked about it. It really made you think. It has an ending that leaves you hanging so I did some research and am sure I figured it out. The other thing that is pretty cool is the twist on this found footage thing. Skew is definitely not a found footage film. I went in thinking it was but when you hit a certain point in the film (which I can't really say as it may spoil it), you realize it isn't. First impulse was to say this film blew it because it doesn't follow the rules of found footage (like music) but when you realize it's not, then it totally makes sense. The film is slow and the scares are sparse, but that's not what this is about. It's about getting freaked out and being nervous - which is exactly what I felt. It's not fast-paced like some of the new horror films (which quite frankly aren't scary). It goes back to the route of what's scary and I like that. Don't be thrown off by the haters out there. The film is good and well worth your time if you want to turn your brain on. If not, go see something more mindless.
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