Not one of my favourites but okay
17 June 2012
Mickey's Kangaroo is not a bad cartoon, but compared to other Disney cartoons(though it is far from the worst) I didn't care as much as I wanted to for it. The animation is smooth and fluid, and the music is full of character and energy. I also liked how they showed the love Mickey and Pluto share for one another at the beginning, the boxing match between Mickey and the cute kangaroo and the gag when Mickey gets caught in the hay bailing machine. Pluto is great to watch mostly, buy Mickey aside from the boxing is sidelined and is not very interesting as a character here. Other than a couple of gags like the hay bailing machine gag I personally didn't find much funny or of note in Mickey's Kangaroo, and the story is rather routine and not as crisply paced as it has been. Pluto's inner thoughts talking was unnecessary with the menacing tone rather odd, we know from what was already on screen what Pluto was feeling so having the voice as well seemed overly-obvious overkill to me. All in all, moderately enjoyable but at the same time nothing outstanding. 6/10 Bethany Cox
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