Wassup, Will?
24 June 2012
About 30 minutes into the film, I realized that the use of Lincoln as the protagonist was really nothing more than a jokey gimmick designed to attract an audience to a Batman Begins movie set during the 1800s. Why else watch this movie except for the titillating idea of Abraham Lincoln perhaps having been involved in something from the occult?

If you're going to involve an important historical figure in your work, I'd think you'd try to marry the history to the activity--what is it about vampire hunting that suggests a different bit of insight about Lincoln?

Lincoln was a very formal man of his times. He certainly wouldn't have used the American language in the ways he does here. Nor do I see Lincoln as having the kinetic range of a Neo in Matrix. He was a tall man with a deliberate gait and not at all as animated as he's presented here. This is a character "named" Abraham Lincoln, not "being" Abraham Lincoln.

I was bored because I was watching a substandard super hero comic book kind of movie. All that research supposedly done to convey realism was a waste of time and effort. Someone should have researched language and customs.

I forced myself to stay through the train fight video game, then simply walked out on the film. I felt tricked into watching a bad movie that I wouldn't even pay a $1 for in the box.
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