A moronic ugly waste
16 August 2012
What is the NZ film commission doing investing public funds in this stupid film? What an outrage. Apparently these days aspiring film makers decide to make the most idiotic atrocity concept as their calling card to show (ahem) how talented that are. All they end with is a film that their family is politely embarrassed to see at some lame screening where everyone pretends that it is 'interesting'. Well like a Carry On Splatterguts movie, here is another one. YAWN and double yawn. Straight to the DVD bargain bin in some huge DVD sell-off store, which is where I found this stupid horrible movie for $3.99. Just because Norway makes zombie/evil/Nazi/horror films apparently some Kiwi 'auteurs' decide to be creative by copying them. What a shocking waste of film making resources and money. This feature has no chance of selling movie tickets in a cinema. and no chance of recouping its money... so why was it made? Whose lamebrain idea was it to invest? Nazi devil horror made in New Zealand... please! With so many good films available from genuine film makers how this awful ugly piece of smelly plastic allowed to fester into the marketplace?
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