Review of Teeth

Teeth (I) (2007)
'No men were harmed during the making of this motion picture.'
19 August 2012
Warning: Spoilers
But it's a safe bet that some men will be traumatized by just the *thought* of what happens to the men in this film, happening to them. It's a hilariously dark comedy that does indeed turn into a story of female empowerment, and an interesting look into the whole idea / mythology of "vagina dentata", which here is sort of tied into species mutating as part of the process of evolution. (The whole nuclear connection is not forgotten, either, as the two stacks of a nuclear facility are often kept in sight.) All in all, this is a canny look at morals and attitudes regarding sex, and one of the more intriguing horror films to emerge in the last several years. Jess Weixler is winning in the role of Dawn, a high school student who teaches others to abstain from sex, only to learn a nasty truth about her own private parts, and the resulting potential consequences to any man who dares to get intimate with her. The gory bits of business give this film the sort of punch that it needs; the money shots are all quite delicious, even if they're not completely satisfying to all viewers. The film works best at its outlandish spin on one young woman's emerging sexuality and what it means for the men who will get close to her. We can see that by the end Dawn has realized the power that she has available. The acting by all concerned is solid, with John Hensley scoring in a truly repulsive part as the leering stepbrother Brad. This is the kind of thing that can have people with certain tastes howling with appreciative laughter at what goes on; one particular priceless bit concerns the fate of a severed member and a pet dog. This is well worth watching for horror fans of both genders, although the men may well find their knees locking together as the story plays out. Eight out of 10.
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