Billie Dove as a disillusioned young woman
2 September 2012
Sensation Seekers (1927) was one of Lois Weber's final directorial efforts, and her last for Universal. Billie Dove is a rich, young adult who is alienated from her parents. Her mother rarely leaves the house, and her father never comes home, as he has a mistress. Billie's character enjoys partying with her friends, until she is arrested in a raid on a speakeasy, and has to spend some time in jail. Raymond Bloomer plays a new minister in town, and he bails Billie out of jail, and tries to help her get her life straightened out.

Miss Dove really turns in a great performance here. She is trapped in a town where the "good Christian" townsfolk judge her (and the new minister), and her friends don't really care about her either. She's also torn because she is attracted to the minister, yet she has no interest in being a preacher's wife. Of course the minister is attracted to her also (who wouldn't be!), and this puts his career in jeopardy. Bloomer is also conflicted, but his performance isn't in the same league as Billie's.

When it looks like all is lost, Dove agrees to run off with her former boyfriend on a yacht and get married, but it is sunk in a terrible storm and Billie and the boyfriend are abandoned by the yacht's crew. Miss Dove is pounded by thousands of gallons of water in the terrific climax -- proving that she wasn't just an good-looking actress that wore a lot of pretty clothes. I've only seen a few of her films, but this is definitely one of her best performances.
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