Iron Man 2 (2010)
A Great Sequel
4 September 2012
Iron Man caught me by surprise when It hit theatres back in 2008. Heading in I was thinking how the hell are they going to pull this off. Iron Man ended up being one of the best comic book movies ever, and it was only a matter of time for a sequel.

Iron Man 2 is not as good as the original, but it is still a great film and should stand on it's own. We get to see a different side of Tony Stark as he spiral's out of control. We also get to see more interaction between himself and Nick Fury who made an appearance after the credits of the original.

The action sequences in Iron Man 2 are spectacular and are a work of art. I was really impressed with the special effect's used especially in the final scenes. The camera angles during the flying sequences were handled very well.

Robert Downy's portrayal of Tony Stark is one of a kind and awesome. I don't think anyone could've been able to play Tony Stark as well as Robert Downy which is impressive. Mickey Rourke had me convinced he was really Russian. His performance as Ivan Vanko was Great. He had a creepy vibe going for his character which really added to the plot. Scarlett Johansson blended in really well as "the Black Widow". Her fight scenes were pretty damn good. Sam Rockwell in my opinion stole the show. He was hilarious throughout as Tony Stark's rival "Justin Hammer". He had some good one liners and his interaction with Ivan were awkward and funny. I was hoping for Terence Howard to reprise his role as colonel Rhodes but Don Cheadle did a great job as a replacement, so that did not bother me as much.

The original Iron Man will be hard to beat as the bar was set so high, however for a sequel, Iron Man 2 is a great follow up. I felt that the action sequences were a lot better compared to the original, It's weakness was the storyline and plot which at times seemed clustered and can confuse you. Still, those little problems did not hinder my enjoyment and I thought Iron Man 2 was solid followup to the original.

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