Watch the movie 1984 in tandem with this: Watch and Learn
5 September 2012
Kirk Cameron has demonstrated that he is not only a committed performer, he is also a committed family advocate. The movie is not about family but it shows how the early American settlers and the forefathers of the Declaration of Independence thought about family, morality and what it takes to be a solid society. Unfortunately, due to Kirk Cameron's well known association with some Christian film productions, it is unlikely that this documentary appeal to a broad spectrum of the American public. This is truly unfortunate as it is a film that should be seen and even presented in schools for discussion.

Some academics who are trying to protect their revisionist perspectives on early American history are clearly exposed by undeniable evidence. Not constructed or concocted evidence but clear historical evidence which can only be fully appreciated after seeing this documentary. I'm with Kirk Cameron, "as for me and my family...we choose..."
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