Mother Lode (1982)
Two points for a spectacular plane crash .........
8 September 2012
The unplanned crashing of a pontoon plane is most definitely the high point of this pointless movie. There really is a lot to dislike here. Once the gorgeous opening flying sequence ends, a dark and tedious movie begins. All the characters are unlikable, except John Marley, and all he seems to do is pop up out of nowhere for no particular reason. Charleton Heston's Scottish accent is nothing but a damn annoyance, while Kim Basinger's acting is another damn annoyance. The story, what little there is, reminds me of cartoon characters chasing each other around a dimly lit mine. There is the usual crisis of the minute, and the entire film is so totally unrealistic and unbelievable, that it becomes a meaningless viewing experience. - MERK
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