Poirot: Appointment with Death (2008)
Season 11, Episode 4
23 September 2012
Warning: Spoilers
The scenery is great and the haunting music beautifully captures the bittersweet sadness of a couple who overcome great odds in order to wreak awful vengeance upon a wealthy, powerful, evil person who deserves it.

A couple who rescue their beloved daughter through sheer will and intelligence and then commit suicide rather than accept the authority of a legal system which failed to protect children. The ancient Greeks would have appreciated this story.

While Hercule Poirot prevails, this sophisticated story calls into question the very ethos that defines his life: That the Law must always be respected and that murder is always a crime.

It is unfortunate that some are so insistent that a MOVIE must capture Agatha Christie's every word that they are unable to appreciate this brilliant adaptation. The Tim Curry archaeologist character was not a distraction -- it explained why the evil woman came to be on the killing field. As well as giving an example of how vicious evil may not be recognized by otherwise highly intelligent men. That it may, in fact, be unwittingly protected by them.

I have seen almost all of David Suchet's performances of Hercule Poirot and I think Appointment with Death ranks with Murder on the Orient Express as one of the best.
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