Private Secretary: Cat in the Hot Tin File (1956)
Season 4, Episode 15
Another Great Episode!
27 September 2012
As usual, Ann Sothern, Ann Tyrell and Don Porter give great performances - Ann Sothern as "susie" and Ann Tyrell as "Vi" are great, dealing with the problem of a cat walking in from the terrace of the building, having to deal with the boss who wants an office - and not one with a cat in it.

As usual, Ann Sothern's TV shows are intelligent, with the dealing of an allergy of a client to cats -

Another great episode in a great series, that I hope soon becomes available in its entirety, as well as the Ann Sothern Show. I enjoy viewing the offices, attire, and equipment of a 50's office almost as much as the show itself.
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