Better rating then credited
1 October 2012
While I understand that there may have never been plans for a season 2 of this show I certainly hope decisions outside of the original plan are not determined based on the typical Gallup poll. Seems like most networks are still measuring the likability of a TV show based on who is watching the show at the regularly scheduled time but in this day and age of DVR's, TiVo, online viewers and social media trending there is a lot more to measure for the success of a show then the typical polls used 10 years ago. If you look at the amount of fans and followers of the various hash tags and cast on Twitter alone you can see how well this show is actually doing in the fans eyes. And if you were on the fence about having another season that should be reason enough. Seems like there is so much more that can be done with these story lines to continue for at least another season. At this point ending it where it is at would be leaving your loyal fans of 4 months 5 days a week hanging with no resolution and that is really pretty horrible to do to the dedicated fans (including myself) who want to see where this can go. Before making a decision please break away from the old ways of measuring success and look at all of the new ways this this new generation uses.
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