Mondo Magic (1975)
A Glimpse into the last remnants of the past before exploitation by a "civilized society"
7 October 2012
From a ethnographic perspective, these "staged" performances are rare glimpse into tribal customs that were, in essence, an adaptation to the land. Hunter gatherer societies around the world, have been "practicing" their lifestyles for over 40 000 years.

I viewed the 93min Italian dialog version, and I do not speak the language so relied on the "archival footage" to tell the story. I will leave it to the viewer to discern between the real and "fake" footage.

The anthropologist/documenter, is still the "guest" amongst these tribes, and as such, has the rights, roles and responsibilities of an uninitiated child. And are only shown the everyday world of these people and not their secret sacred lifestyle.

The "perfect circumcision" is a result of practices that surpass the written record. eg Aborigines in the desert regions of Australia practice circumcision and subincision.

I think you will find these tribes in Africa are no longer living there traditionally. (I hope I am wrong!) What was their land, has too much gold, diamonds, and those rare elements that are needed for mobile technology, and as such, has been taken over by governments and corporations.

Some might say exploitation I say culturally significant
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