Review of Soulkeeper

Soulkeeper (2001)
30 October 2012
I tried watching this horrid movie, but I was unable to get beyond the halfway point. It's juvenile, bordering on infantile. That wouldn't be so bad, except it's excruciatingly unfunny, has some of the worst acting ever, is incredibly predictable, and resorts to constant use of filler. I could go on and on describing all the elements about this movie that sucked, but what's the point? It's like trying to point out all the idiotic elements of a Fred Olen Ray or Jim Wynorski movie.

It was only later that I found out that this is actually a TV movie, made for the SciFi Channel. Ugh. Figures. This was made to appeal to people who like professional wrestling. If you had an IQ above 80, avoid it.

Everyone involved in this travesty should be beaten and blacklisted.
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