Ladybugs (1992)
Dangerfield's comedy kicks all the goals
5 December 2012
Ladybugs is a movie you could go past, without realizing how funny it really is. A small cinema release in December of 92, it had. When it came around to watching it, in late 95, I'm glad I zoomed in on it. As always in Rodney's Dangerfield's movies, like Robin Williams adds his own lines, he adds his own jokes, and they go off like firecrackers. I don't think there's anything I haven't found funny from Dangerfield. Here in one of his funniest comedies, a lighthearted one, compared to the normal ones he did, and that wasn't many, he coaches a hopeless soccer team of young girls, one of them happening to his beautiful boss's daughter, Kimberly. And if Chester (Dangerfield) produces a winning team he'll be put in for a promotion, so it's a bit of a..kissing. Rodney says a great one liner about balls that cracked me up. I never realized how funny this movie would be. Chester who's met a new woman, and vying for the acceptance of her son (this happens to all stepdads and mothers) he really needs this promotion. He cons the son (late heart throb Jonathan Brandis) a skilled soccer player into coaching this pathetic girls soccer team. Only one catch, the son must dress like a girl. At first, averse to the idea, he's soon in a dress and wig, and Martha is born. Another complication, Martha falls for Kimberly. Certain predicaments provide laughs, like when all the girls are invited back to Kimberly's place as they are skinny dipping, or when Martha's changing into a dress, in certain places, like female washrooms or dressing stalls, or even throttling a punching ball in front of stunned onlookers. Or when Kimberly shows up unannounced at Martha's, where Brandis is forever changing, as Rodney and his much better half return home. Even Rodney, who makes one hell of an ugly woman, has to pose as a female to get Martha out of Kimberly's house. Jackee' (Rodney's work colleague) is a hoot too, providing the laughs with after remarks aimed at Rodney. Nancy Parsons, the crazed coach of the other girl soccer team who are miles and miles better, very much resembles characteristics of her Ball breaker character from her Porky's days. Rodney sends a string of jokes her way that his boss finds equally amusing. Also the intercut scenes, with Brandis in a ice cream shop and Dangerfield in a bar telling the owners their problems, where their words are misinterpreted, Dangerfield's getting him kicked out with the funniest misunderstood line I've ever heard in my life. Ladybugs is a comedy treat for the whole family. I suggest zipping down to the DVD shop and hiring it, if you can find it. If your lucky to see a copy of it in the ex rental video section, buy it. Please! You won't be disappointed. Ladybugs, a whole movie of laughs, is runner up to Dangerfield's supreme hit, Back to School.
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