Lichtblick (2007)
My favourite short-film by far
19 December 2012
I always liked August Diehl as an actor, he's now actually my favourite actor, so I thought to give this short-film a watch when looking through his Filmography.

In some ways I wish this short was developed into a full-feature film, because it's a really interesting premise for me. Of course, it works better as a short.

I definitely recommend this short-film, especially if you like August Diehl as an actor. He is not in it throughout, but he really gets into every part he plays and makes it believable. It also has a brilliant ending/twist that all short-films should have to make it memorable and involving. You may expect something the like to conclude the short, but I surely was not expecting exactly what happened. It's one of those "Oh, no..." moments that I love.
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