Like This Overall and Would Revisit
30 December 2012
Just watched this one, though I've had it a while. Was surprised and pleased. It's interesting to see Ms. Young with this group of contract players, on loan from her home studio. Makes we wonder what MGM would have done with her had she been contracted there. As it is, she is her soft and sincere persona here, doing well enough with Tone. As for the plot line, I'm glad by reading other reviews to find that I'm not the only one left scratching my head at the rather abrupt wrap-up. The quick introduction of a trap at the 11th hour brought maybe a too swift resolution to this rather complex embroilment. As soon as milady misidentified the picture, I got lost and basically stayed that way. One viewer clue came when hubby requested to talk with his wife alone after his official confrontation, but one had to think back to that later trying to map out the circuitous route. Just too much came too fast and too pat. But, even Dame Agatha threw you a loop now and again; but not to the extent of this one. However, as it goes along, there's a prime treat in Roland Young, playing the impish, pleasingly inappropriate friend of the lead couple. He was so much fun.
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