Less Talking More Action
10 January 2013
Night of the Living Dead 3D: Re-Animation (2012)

* 1/2 (out of 4)

This sequel to 2006's NIGHT OF THE LIVING DEAD 3D isn't connected to 2009's NIGHT OF THE LIVING DEAD: ANIMATED for those following all the title variations to the George A. Romero film. Mortician Gerald Tovar (Andrew Divoff) inherits the family funeral parlor and soon ends up having to take care of the "zombie" problem. When his brother Harold (Jeffrey Combs) shows up this here just causes more trouble. This here certainly isn't a "good" movie but it's a masterpiece compared to the original movie, which was one of the most pathetic zombie movies I've ever seen. This one here actually could have been a whole lot better had the story been better. What we've basically got is a very bad story stretched to nearly 90-minutes and to make up for the weak story we just get extended dialogue scenes that just drag the film down. Again, I'm a little confused why you'd make a direct-to-DVD zombie film, add mostly dialogue and not give people more zombie action. Outside a quick scene towards the start, the majority of the violence doesn't happen until the last portion of the film and by then most viewers are going to be asleep from the dialogue. Once we do get to the action the special effects aren't all that convincing but they're at least gory to keep fans happy. Those expecting greatness from the duo of Divoff and Combs might be somewhat disappointed as neither character is classic but I think they're entertaining enough. I also thought the supporting players were decent enough for this type of film. In the end, this certainly isn't a film that's going to appeal to the masses so most would be advised to stay away. The only ones who should even attempt this film are those who must see everything the genre has to offer. I will say the only really clever thing is some of the comedy that brings up other zombie movies including a nice bit about Romero's series, THE RETURN OF THE LIVING DEAD and a pretty funny joke about the 1990 remake.
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