Crash Canyon (2011–2013)
A very poor Family Guy rip off
23 January 2013
Lets get this out of the way first, aside from the various other cartoons it rips off, Crash Canyon is trying so hard to be Canada's Family Guy that it get very distracting.

The setting is very restricted. Being stuck down a canyon means this sitcom is stuck with the same situation which leads to the plots becoming very stale.

The jokes are the same as Family Guy: cutaways. And by the same I mean they use exact the same jokes as Family Guy. The worst thing is I think they know their humour isn't working so when they think the audience is supposed to laugh they put in an obnoxious musical cue. That's desperation.

The characters a bland. Again so many characters ripped off from Family Guy, Simpsons, American Dad, the list goes on.

And of all things the theme song is irritating beyond belief. So much high pitched singing!

Bottom line: It's crap. Limiting premise, failed jokes and poor animation. Wanna watch something exactly the same but funnier? Watch Family Guy.
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