Kill 'em All (2012)
Whoever said that viewers need plot twists and flawed characters?
3 February 2013
Simple premise: 8 assassins wake up in a room and are ordered to kill each other or be killed.

Okay, so with a story that has all the makings of a kick-arse B-flick, a beautiful woman for the boys to drool over and some skilled martial artists to boot, why not a higher score?


  • The two lead Americans are s-l-o-w, painfully so, and their fights scenes are horrible - it was as if their opponents had to stop and wait for the ensuing move to come.

  • The fight choreography gave absolutely nothing new. Maybe this wouldn't have been a problem with more story and less action, but with fights constantly throughout the 90 minutes, watching this became repetitive.

  • The villains' plan was absurd. "I'm a killer but I hate all other killers"? Seriously?

  • Bad English. At first, I was thinking that the film was dubbed, and the voice over given by the female lead come the ending is hard to take.

But it's not all bad - I've certainly seen worse - and it's true to what it claims to be: 90 minutes or so of full-on action.

Oh, and the final fight is actually pretty cool... but with so many other decent M.A./action films out there, I'd have a hard job recommending this.
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