But I NEVER do that!
24 February 2013
Lee Kirk --

Your movie made me cry ...

Realizing the significance of the powerful and positive impact that taking the time to "stop and smell the roses" (sorry) can deliver to ones very psyche seems to be unknown, forever lost or perhaps, just ignored by many of us. How did this happen? What factors perpetuate this selfish, though possibly mutually beneficial simple act of awareness? Beats me. Maybe such "numbness" is simply a symptom of that insidious disease commonly known as The Dumbing Down Of America. Don't we all want to understand and to be understood? I do. So,I try.

Of course, these questions weren't answered in The Giant Mechanical Man, but I've never seen a movie come closer to clearly illustrating those truths. This beautifully written, acted and photographed film is a gem!

See it. See it without wearing your critic's eyeglasses...shields down! If you do, you'll be rewarded

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