17 March 2013
This horrid piece of tripe was on HBO and I just happened to be traveling and stayed at a motel that had HBO so because Maggie Smith was in the film I made a point of putting it on my very busy schedule. Yuck! What a waste of time. I hated this film from the very beginning. I hated everything about it. Most of all I despised the utterly implausible and absurd premise of retirees going to India of all places to retire! India???? Give me a break! And where is the nearest hospital??? As a retiree myself I demand and need basic services immediately available at a moment's notice - such as a hospital, supermarket, gas station, etc. And just where are these basic services in India???? And poor Maggie Smith. Good God! That woman needs some work - I have never seen a goose neck like hers. I could not take my eyes off it - it was like an alien attached to her body and I kept thinking it was going to take over her face it had such life to it. I stuck it out for about 45 minutes than gave up!
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