Review of Hee Haw

Hee Haw (1969–1997)
Anyone remember blond girl on Hee Haw
17 March 2013
Anyone remember the blond girl on Hee Haw, the one who started out apple cheeked, decked out in bib-front overalls, cute as hell? She wasn't a lead player but started out young, in what seemed to be her early twenties. Then after time she put on weight. It was torment. With which I fully empathized. Anybody know who this is in real life? I've often wondered what was going on with her during those years.

There was another young woman on the show who was always quite overweight and probably better remembered, with a post-show career. She isn't the one I'm thinking of. Instead, this was a somewhat marginal player - she was on-stage but not featured with her own shot in some of the Youtube footage I've see of the cast.

I can't ever forget Roy Clark's supposed Peak Guitar Moment. He carried himself magnificently well most of the time, an all-star performer, clearly. He comes up with this blistering, virtuoso performance of Malaguena or something similarly flamenco. He does a world-class job but while he played, the camera panned bank and forth from his hands to his face. So, a shot of flashy fingering followed by Roy's face looming big as a pumpkin with his chin jammed down to his chest, huffing and puffing with his eyes bugged out. He didn't make it look easy. And, absolutely, it was a notoriously difficult tune to play. I've seen musicians performing with their eyebrows arched or looking off in the distance in some dream-state like they're possessed by some Art Spirit but here's brother Roy, working hard, no pretending.
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